Please rotate your mobile device to portrait mode to complete your health test.
How To Play
  1. Register yourself.
  2. Allow mic and Motion and fitness access.
  3. Start climbing four flights of stairs and begin your conversation on call with Dilip Joshi as you climb.
  4. The results or appreciation message will be displayed on the screen.
How To Play
  1. Register yourself.
  2. Allow mic and Motion and fitness access.
  3. Start climbing four flights of stairs and begin your conversation on call with Ronit Roy as you climb.
  4. The results will be displayed on the screen.
Saffola Step Up For Your Heart - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the Saffola Step Up For Your Heart campaign?
The Saffola Step Up For Your Heart campaign is an initiative designed to promote heart health through a fun and interactive challenge. Participants climb stairs while answering questions from celebrity actor, Ronit Roy, to assess their fitness level. The challenge combines step count and audio responses to provide a personalized fitness assessment, and participants receive an assured prize for taking part.
How do I participate in the challenge?
To participate in the Saffola Step Up For Your Heart challenge, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the campaign page and register by entering your name and phone number.
  2. Watch the introductory video from celebrity actor, Ronit Roy, to understand the challenge guidelines.
  3. When you’re ready, press the start button, hold the railing, put on your headphones, and begin climbing stairs while having an AI-driven light-hearted conversation with Ronit Roy.
  4. Complete the challenge to see how you fare and claim your assured reward.
What equipment or setup do I need to participate?
You will need:
  • A smartphone with a stable internet connection.
  • Headphones with a built-in microphone.
  • Access to a safe set of stairs.
  • A quiet environment to answer questions clearly.
How does the fitness assessment work?
The fitness assessment uses two main data points: your step count and the clarity of your responses to the questions asked during the challenge. Based on these, you will receive a personalised score reflecting your heart health and fitness level.
Is the challenge safe for everyone?
While the challenge is designed to be safe, we recommend:
  • Holding the handrail while climbing stairs.
  • Wearing headphones securely to avoid distractions.
  • Ensuring that the staircase is free of any hazards.
  • Not participating if you have any health conditions that make climbing stairs unsafe. Always consult a doctor if you are unsure.
What kind of questions will be asked during the challenge?
The questions will be simple and engaging, focusing on general topics to keep you talking and moving. There are no right or wrong answers, and the questions are designed to ensure that you stay active and maintain a steady pace while climbing.
What kind of prize will I receive for participating?
All participants receive an assured prize, which may include a discount coupon from Healthians, Boat Smart Ring, Noise, Noise ColorFit Pulse 3 and 1 month CultFit membership. The exact nature of the prize will be revealed upon completion of the challenge.
Can I participate multiple times? Will I get more prizes?
You can participate in the challenge multiple times to improve your score or for enjoyment, but each participant is eligible to claim their reward only once.
Why do I need to refer friends and family?
Sharing the challenge helps promote heart health among your loved ones. By referring friends and family, you help spread the importance of heart fitness, encouraging them to participate and take steps towards a healthier lifestyle.
Will my data and responses be kept private?
Yes, we take data privacy seriously. Your information, including your personal details, step count, and audio responses, will be kept confidential and used only for campaign purposes. We comply with all relevant data protection regulations to ensure your privacy.
I’m experiencing technical issues. What should I do?
Common technical issues can often be resolved by:
  • Checking your internet connection.
  • Ensuring your device’s microphone and headphones are functioning properly.
  • Refreshing the page or restarting the challenge. If the issue persists, contact our support team at [Support Email/Number].
What if I can’t complete the challenge or feel unwell during it?
If at any point you feel unwell or unable to complete the challenge, please stop immediately. Your safety and health are most important. You can retry the challenge later when you feel comfortable.
Who can participate in the challenge?
Anyone 18 years and older who is physically fit to climb stairs can participate. If you have any medical conditions or physical limitations, please consult your doctor before participating.
Are there any costs associated with participating?
No, participation in the Saffola Step Up For Your Heart challenge is completely free. There are no hidden fees or charges.
How long does the challenge take?
The challenge is designed to be quick and easy, typically taking around 2 minutes to complete, depending on your pace.
Can I pause the challenge once I’ve started?
The challenge is designed to be completed in one go. If you need to stop for any reason, your progress may not be saved, and you might need to restart.
I have been disqualified. Why did this happen?
Disqualification can occur if the system detects any irregularities, such as incomplete registration, issues with step count, or if the activity is not conducted as per the guidelines. Ensure you follow all instructions carefully to avoid disqualification.
What if I am unable to hear the questions during the challenge?
If you have trouble hearing the questions, check your headphone connection, adjust the volume, and make sure your environment is quiet. If the issue persists, restart the challenge or contact support.
What should I do if I do not receive my prize after completion?
If you have completed the challenge but have not received your prize, please contact our support team at with your registration details, and we will assist you in resolving the issue.
How can I share my participation on social media?
After completing the challenge, you will be provided with options to share your achievement on social media platforms. Use these options to inspire others to take the challenge!
Can I edit my personal information after registering?
Currently, once you have registered, you cannot edit your personal details. If changes are needed, please contact support for assistance.
Where can I find the terms and conditions of the campaign?
The full terms and conditions are available on the campaign page. Please review them to understand all the rules and guidelines before participating.
How do I contact support for further questions?
For any additional queries or support, reach out to our team at, and we’ll be happy to help.
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